Resume and Work Samples

Broad General Testing Sample

Sample 4: Sanity Checking

AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE: Exploratory and Formal Testing are not within scope of this type of testing. However, sometimes critical areas of a system or end user experience are expected to be greatly impacted by release changes. If so, other teams such as documentation may deem that the release requires a bit of sanity checking should be done to ensure that, from the end user's perspective, the changes will not inhibit or greatly inconvenience their usual workflow and will still behave as expected. The testing is performed based on the score from the Impact Assessment. Tests may consist of a written expectation and bundle of screenshots taken as evidence for audits.

Per Documentation Team: Minimal and Low do not require testing. Medium and High require testing.

Impact Assessment Outcome

MED-023: Specialization Home Page for Sites
Score Medium
  • Confirm users can navigate between new and original tabs
  • Confirm Search on new Specialty Page works


Test Case 1: Login with Supported Browsers
Location: Logins > IE / FF / CH Respectively
NOTES: Perform once for Internet Explorer v11, Mozilla Firefox vCurrent, and once for Google Chrome vCurrent.
TC# Test Result Outcome
Test Case 1.001
  • Given an active end user on the Login page
  • And the user enters valid user ID
  • And the user enters valid password
  • And the user clicks the Login button
Then the Home Page is displayed. Pass
Test Case 1.002
  • Given a user on the Home page
  • And the user clicks on the My Profile link
Then the My Profile page is displayed. Fail
Test Case 1.003
  • Given a user on the My Profile page
  • And the user updates one field
  • And the user clicks the Update button
Then the field information is updated. Fail
Test Case 1.004
  • Given a user on the My Profile page
  • And the user clicks on the News link
Then the News page is displayed Pass
Test Case 1.005
  • Given a user on the News page
  • And the user clicks on the v2.1.0 External Release Notes PDF text link
Then the new Release Notes can be downloaded and opened. Pass
Test Case 1.006
  • Given a user on the News page
  • And the user clicks the Logout button
Then the Login page is displayed, the user is logged out, and the logout ticker message is displayed. Pass

Test Case 2: Access All Tabs
Location: MED023 > TC2_ACCESS
TC# Test Result Outcome
Test Case 2.001
  • Given a user on the News page
  • And the user's site is identified as a Specialization site in Admin
  • And the user clicks on the Home page
Then the Specialty home page is displayed. Pass
Test Case 2.002
  • Given a user on the Specialty home page
  • And the user clicks on the Reports tab
Then the Reports page is displayed with the default report displayed on the screen. Pass
Test Case 2.003
  • Given a user on the Reports page
  • And the user clicks on a report text link on the page
Then the report can be downloaded and opened in Excel. Pass
Test Case 2.004
  • Given a user on the Reports page
  • And the user clicks on the Products tab
Then the Products page is displayed. Pass
Test Case 2.005
  • Given a user on the Products page
  • And the user clicks on a product code text link
Then the Product Details page for that particular item is displayed. Pass
Test Case 2.006
  • Given a user on the details page for a particular product item
  • And the user clicks the Add to Shopping Cart button
Then the item is added to the shopping cart and the shopping cart icon displays 1 in parentheses. Pass
Test Case 2.007
  • Given a user on the details page for a particular product item
  • And the user clicks on the Shopping Cart tab
Then the Shopping Cart page is displayed and the previously added item is listed in the table. Pass
Test Case 2.008
  • Given a user on the Shopping Cart page
  • And the user clicks the trash can icon next to the added item
Then the page is updated and the item is removed from the Shopping Cart list. Pass
Test Case 2.009
  • Given a user on the Shopping Cart page
  • And the user clicks on the Support tab
Then the Support page is displayed with the link to Live Chat and International Phone Number list. Pass

Test Case 3: Confirm Search Function on New Page
Location: MED023 > TC3_SEARCH
TC# Test Result Outcome
Test Case 3.001
  • Given a user on the Support page
  • And the user's site is identified as a Specialization site in Admin
  • And the user clicks on the Home page
Then the Specialty home page is displayed. Pass
Test Case 3.002
  • Given a user on the Specialty home page
  • And the user enters a product name such as 'catheter' into the Search box
  • And the user clicks on the Search button
Then the Results page is displayed with several entries in the table. Pass
Test Case 3.003
  • Given a user on the Search Results page
  • And the user clicks on the Clear Search button
Then the page is refreshed and the table is empty, and the search bar at the top is empty. Pass
Test Case 3.004
  • Given a user on the empty Search Results page
  • And the user enters a different product name into the Search box
  • And the user clicks on the Search button
Then the Results page is displayed with several entries in the table. Pass
Test Case 3.005
  • Given a user on the Search Results page
  • And the user clicks on one of the item entries in the Results table
Then the product details page for the selected item is displayed. Pass

Test Case 4: Access All Tabs - Retest
Location: Retest Login > CH
NOTES: Retest performed for Chrome which failed because the cache was holding the last login credentials and needed to be reset. Firefox and IE both passed initially.
TC# Test Result Outcome
Test Case 4.001
  • Given an active end user on the Login page
  • And the user enters valid user ID
  • And the user enters valid password
  • And the user clicks the Login button
Then the Home Page is displayed. Pass
Test Case 4.002
  • Given a user on the Home page
  • And the user clicks on the My Profile link
Then the My Profile page is displayed. Pass
Test Case 4.003
  • Given a user on the My Profile page
  • And the user updates one field
  • And the user clicks the Update button
Then the field information is updated. Pass
Test Case 4.004
  • Given a user on the My Profile page
  • And the user clicks on the News link
Then the News page is displayed Pass
Test Case 4.005
  • Given a user on the News page
  • And the user clicks on the v2.1.0 External Release Notes PDF text link
Then the new Release Notes can be downloaded and opened. Pass
Test Case 4.006
  • Given a user on the News page
  • And the user clicks the Logout button
Then the Login page is displayed, the user is logged out, and the logout ticker message is displayed. Pass


Post-Release Testing Completed on 30 Aug 2017, 13:45: PASS

Screencap of folder structure showing bucket folders for each test case.
File Structure of Evidence folder from release testing.