Resume and Work Samples

User Manual Sample: Section in Progress

Sample 5: User Manual

AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE: User manuals can be for many different types of users, and come in many formats from simple line by line instructions, in-depth technical descriptions with screenshots of workflow, custom training materials, scripts and series of video, to interactive web pages, and more. The audience could be end users that only interact with basic usage functions and front end, or technical handlers that need a highly detailed specification of how to design using a range of functions.

Basic User Guide Example

Content Type: Recipe Book

Created Using: Microsoft Publisher

image of freshly chopped ingrediences, click to download.

Version Release Promotion

Content Type: News Post for Website

Created Using: Wordpress

SLIMS 6.4 has Arrived

Release Highlight Document

Content Type: Document to explain high level details of new version features.

Created Using: Powerpoint

SLIMS 6.4 Feature Highlights

Release Highlight Video

Content Type: Version Release Promotion Video

Created Using: Audacity to record VO, Quicktime to record screen capture, Adobe Premiere to edit video and VO

SLIMS 6.4 Highlights

For these examples there are no particular situations or imaginary companies used as background.